Checking Auto Injector and Expiry Dates

Video 20 of 31
1 min 29 sec

Auto-Injector Maintenance and Readiness

Regular Inspection

Check Expiry Date:

Ensure your auto-injector is within its expiration date. Replace it promptly if it has expired or is nearing expiration. Many manufacturers offer expiry notification services.

Visual Examination:

Conduct a visual inspection to confirm that your auto-injector is undamaged. Some brands allow you to inspect the solution for any changes in appearance.

UV Protection:

Many auto-injectors come with UV protection cases to shield them from sun damage. Always store your device in these cases to prevent potential harm.

Temperature Considerations:

Adhere to the recommended temperature ranges for your specific auto-injector. Avoid extreme heat, such as leaving it in a hot car during summer, and extreme cold that may lead to freezing in winter.

Maintaining Readiness

Keep in Original Case:

Store your auto-injector in its original case to safeguard it from damage and ensure it remains functional when needed.

Multiple Auto-Injectors:

If you possess multiple auto-injectors or keep units in different locations, consistently inspect them at the same time to maintain readiness.

Seek Professional Advice:

If you identify any issues with your auto-injector, consult your doctor or pharmacist for guidance. Ensuring they are ready for use is crucial for effectively treating an anaphylactic reaction.