Where To Get More Advice and Help

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No course can tell you all you need to know about anaphylaxis care and treatment. Therefore, you will need to refer questions to a mixed group of people to get some answers.  Firstly, make sure you know all your workplace policies and procedures because they may be different than the ones in this course. Our policies apply general guidance to your workplace.  When you work in different locations, don't assume the policies are the same as the last place; make sure to check what they are.

Managers and other medical professionals will also be able to give you guidance. There are many anaphylaxis specialists with a host of experience who can look at different cases with you.  The UK Resuscitation Council website is a valuable source of information on many subjects including the latest guidelines in anaphylaxis care. We have put a link in the student download section of this course.

Drug companies providing the medications also provide fact sheets and training resources and can answer questions on their medications. It is worth looking at the websites of drugs that you use because they often have a healthcare login area to give you all the information you need. If need be, you can also call them to discuss how they can help you. There are charities or organisations that specialise in anaphylaxis care and they can give you help, but they can also offer help to your patients. We have put some links in the download area. 

Finally, the parents of children who suffer from anaphylaxis reactions can give background on their child and how they react to treatment. This,  added to what the patient tells you, is a valuable source of information to improve treatment and care.